Taxpayers Federation Issues Report on New Toronto Taxes:

Author: Kevin Gaudet 2007/06/21

Calls for Moratorium and Referendum Like in Alberta

Toronto: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) today released its report to Toronto city council in response to the Discussion Paper on proposed new taxes in the city of Toronto. The report makes six key recommendations:

  1. The city of Toronto should impose a moratorium on the introduction of new taxes under the auspices of the City of Toronto Act until after the next municipal election.
  2. The city of Toronto, the mayor and council should work to demonstrate that the city has taken proper care of its own finances prior to seeking permission to impose new taxes.
  3. The city of Toronto should undertake a public and thoroughly comprehensive zero-based spending and program review for all capital and operating expenditures. It should start by shedding symbolic waste such as perks for city councilors like fee parking, free zoo admission, free golf and free lunches.
  4. The mayor should keep his promise and not increase property taxes beyond the rate of inflation. He should also freeze costs for all fees and licenses and only entertain balanced budgets.
  5. The city of Toronto should work with the provincial government to introduce a Gas Tax Accountability Act to dedicate fuel tax revenue to roads, bridges and highways.
  6. The city of Toronto should follow the example of Alberta and Illinois and hold a clear referendum during the next municipal election asking Torontonians whether they support the city having taxing powers under the new City of Toronto Act and asking Torontonians if they approve of a land transfer tax.

CTF Ontario Director, Kevin Gaudet, said "before the mayor asks Torontonians to pay more taxes the city should get its fiscal house in order and stop the waste at City Hall. Then they should seek voter approval in a referendum during the next municipal election. That is how it is working in Alberta."

Gaudet will present the CTF report to Toronto Executive Council Monday 26 June 2007 in the p.m.

The full .pdf report may be viewed by clicking here.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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